JC Figgy - 2024 Ripening Logs in MD 7B

JC Figgy

Hey guys, I've made it over from Ourfigs!!! I've been super busy and we also finished up DMV Figfest not long ago here in the DMV. I'll post pics in a later thread!

For most of you who know me, I've been logging data on my figs that I grow... Enjoy!

I am growing in 7B Elkridge, MD with most of these potted.

Take this with a grain of salt, as the first Fig sometimes could be a fluke and another wont ripen for awhile after, but most of these are pretty good if compared back to my last years data. 

X in the Size column means its planted in Ground!

X anywhere else means it went unrecorded. Sorry!


Hey man good to see you here!
That is a nice collection of helpful data.
I did start to record mine here but sheesh work got so busy and projects and....I got too lazy to keep track.
Next year I hope to do better.

Very nice work man!
@"JC Figgy"#26 . So good to see you here at  ((figfanatic.com)). :) :) :) Thank you so much for the serious work you put in on your season ripening Journal. That kind of information is invaluable to newbies like me. I hope we get to see you here more ...
@"JC Figgy"#26 What a great list! Thank you for doing such detailed work... I couldn't help noticing one fig I haven't got my hands on yet. I didn't realize that De Tres Esplets  was under 70 days. What was your take on the figs and production. Of the quicker ripening varieties on your list this one seems more substantial in size..... and looks tasty as well.
Figology said:
Wow, very tedious work on the ripening records, nice job. 

 I didn’t realize HSK Unk. had such a lengthy ripening period.

De la Gloria at 127 days....  That would be difficult here. I wonder how the fig is
9ah-figlet said:
Hi Jimmy,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your ripening data. You have a great collection!

I started a DMV fig fest thread earlier, and invited you to add photos but the tagging function wasn’t working correctly yet. If you could add your photos to this thread now, everything would be easier to find.



Sure of course, Thanks for the link!

TorontoJoe said:
Figology said:
Wow, very tedious work on the ripening records, nice job. 

 I didn’t realize HSK Unk. had such a lengthy ripening period.

De la Gloria at 127 days....  That would be difficult here. I wonder how the fig is

HSK Unk is still young @ 2yrs and it was in quite the shaded spot. I suspect it will ripen earlier some next year.

De La Gloria is still very young and only 1 years of age. I suspect it will also ripen sooner as it ages. It is delicious and syrupy!

TorontoJoe said:
@"JC Figgy"#26 What a great list! Thank you for doing such detailed work... I couldn't help noticing one fig I haven't got my hands on yet. I didn't realize that De Tres Esplets  was under 70 days. What was your take on the figs and production. Of the quicker ripening varieties on your list this one seems more substantial in size..... and looks tasty as well.

DTE is vigorous and Productive! One of my Favorites for sure!

ktrain said:
Hey man good to see you here!
That is a nice collection of helpful data.
I did start to record mine here but sheesh work got so busy and projects and....I got too lazy to keep track.
Next year I hope to do better.

Very nice work man!
Thanks! I hear ya about getting busy. When it gets to mid-late season, I'm looking at what's left to ripen and saying c'mon, hurry up....so I can stop checking on them so often!

TorontoJoe said:
Figology said:
Wow, very tedious work on the ripening records, nice job. 

 I didn’t realize HSK Unk. had such a lengthy ripening period.

De la Gloria at 127 days....  That would be difficult here. I wonder how the fig is
Here’s a De La Gloria I picked this morning! 

Also, I can send you some DTE cuttings this winter if you’d like!
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