It’s finally working!


I logged the details in the bugs forum. Finally, when you use an @"ktrain"#2 , the person you mention will get an email notification. 

It works in new thread posts, replies and quick replies… not in an edit because a post can be edited a few times. 

You can also disable in your settings if you don’t wish to have them. I however think they’re very handy when you need to get somebody’s attention quickly. Wouldn’t you agree @"The Figtator"#4  ?
Awesome, I do like the notifications since I only check my phone quick while busy.
I see the email pop up...good deal! :)
@"TorontoJoe"#1. It will definitely have its advantages for one thing if you're relying on the BB private message notifications you have to opt out on a subscription to move on to the next BB notification. With the email you can drop in anywhere then move on to the next item. It can save some time, and some trouble. Thank you Joe for troubleshooting this LOL probably all night. @"bushdoctor82"#14 LOL I'm not actually used the quick reply very often. It kind of glitches for me. The new reply icon works better for me so that's what I use.