ISO Pastillière, Borda Barraquer and Black Celeste

I am looking for a couple of cuttings. I have cuttings to trade of short season varieties.
IzzyBe we're still going through the home Orchard but we're pretty sure we have the variety to take a cutting off. It's on the list of garden things to do for today or tomorrow. Forgive me I'm still struggling through the flu so my gardening partner is actually going to take the cutting. If we have it.
IzzyBe I may have mistaken your Borda Baraquer for another variety. We're going to take another look in the next couple of days. Usually when I say I'll come up with something I find a way to do it. But I know for a fact I don't have pastelier, and black Celeste that are ready to produce cuttings for you. Are you in search of any other varieties?
I'm closing in on your Borda Baraquer I'll talk to you about it on the 26th Sunday. Maybe sooner. Also a pastelier.
Couldn't get boysenberry blush yet. I'm actually still chasing everything but it should be doable on the BB

Borda Barraquer should be doable do you want a black Celeste as well or have you located that?​

I need to inventory I'm probably weak on black Celeste but I've got them covered on pastelier. LOL I got that one done today. We'll have to see on these really hard to obtain varieties like boysenberry blush, and Borda Barraquer...