Is this from spider mites?


I have this rooted layer Pellegrino a few months back. It was dormant and I've been growing it in a south window. It's been doing great and up to maybe 2 weeks ago the leaves looked great. I thought at first I left it too close to the furnace vent but I have a few other figs there and they look fine. I've never had a spider mite problem before. I also can't get a leaf to sit properly under my kits microscope to get a good look. I really need a loupe.

I've seen some of those "strands" around but not many. I can't tell if it's webbing or cat hair.

If you've had spider mites... is this what the damage looks like?

You don't see any?
It does look like the way they cause degradation to the leaves, but it should be apparent that they are present.
I have this rooted layer Pellegrino a few months back. It was dormant and I've been growing it in a south window. It's been doing great and up to maybe 2 weeks ago the leaves looked great. I thought at first I left it too close to the furnace vent but I have a few other figs there and they look fine. I've never had a spider mite problem before. I also can't get a leaf to sit properly under my kits microscope to get a good look. I really need a loupe.

I've seen some of those "strands" around but not many. I can't tell if it's webbing or cat hair.

If you've had spider mites... is this what the damage looks like?

View attachment 4700
View attachment 4701
Found a video that might help you

No, doesn’t look like spider mites to me. Looks like regular nutrient deficiency newly rooted cuttings have, possibly fig mites, and just seems unhappy. I would suspect a water or root issue.
The only thing that looked remotely close what this but it doesn't look like webbing


These were under the leaves but they weren't moving. Even with the magnifying glass it was difficult to see what they were.


To my eye it could've just as well been dirt that splashed up.... maybe thrips though?

I imagine this has to be some sort of sucking pest.
They don't always have webs like the pic above unless it is a full blown infestation, look at my pic, it is just one and you can barely see the web.
There are more but I am actively treating it.
But in one of your pics it looks like one and I see a small web in another pic.
They don't always have webs like the pic above unless it is a full blown infestation, look at my pic, it is just one and you can barely see the web.
There are more but I am actively treating it.
But in one of your pics it looks like one and I see a small web in another pic.

I didn’t even see it on first look…

Ok, let’s assume mites or thrips… insecticidal soap then?