I am testing several pruning strategies this season - no pruning, (last season) late summer pruning, hard pruning to older (>1y) wood, and pruning off last season's wood to 1-2 buds. Unpruned definitely wake up and set fruit the earliest, but pruned to last season's 1-2 buds woke up and set fruit almost as quickly; I noticed a 1-2 day lag in bud break and 1-2 days in fruit set. I-258, which was pruned to older wood, lagged by 8 days in bud break and 2-3 weeks in fruit set. But I-258 broke bud 7 days later than other varieties last year too, but fruit set lagged by only a week - all that on 1 yo wood though. So, definitely, the older the wood, the less I-258 likes it. This could very a lot depending on a variety, I wouldn't know.
The thing that I learned for myself is that I want to see many shorter fruiting branches sprouting simultaneously vs fewer branches growing very long and that's how I will be pruning most of my trees. That will ensure much more fruit set early and hence ripen early.
It's late but I very much want to carry on this topic. I'll be back