Indoor Figs

Looks like their happy in there.
Keep updates coming, I'd like to see if you get them to ripen, and how they compare to fig ripened outside in the summer.
In my experience they lack the intensity ripened indoors.
@"rnexus"#62 they look happy as clams in there. You'll soon be tasting a whole bunch of figs that probably would have never ripened fully in time. Of course it would have been better Outdoors, but still you'll be tasting deliciousness in no time.
rnexus said:
I've brought in alot of my smaller plants that have figs I want to ripen and taste. I'm impressed with the productivity of some of these varieties like Jamal al asfar,  rigato del Salento,  td yellow crinkle, crozes,  conde and some others.

I love that room!
Wait until I upload a full pic of the room (Will do it when it's full). You'll get a kick out of that. It's a multi level grow room, professional dehumidfier, TONS of lights. I'll fill it up in a few months or less and get some good pics / video. Has about $5,000 invested in it and I love it. A bit tight, but worth it.
rnexus said:
Wait until I upload a full pic of the room (Will do it when it's full). You'll get a kick out of that. It's a multi level grow room, professional dehumidfier, TONS of lights. I'll fill it up in a few months or less and get some good pics / video. Has about $5,000 invested in it and I love it. A bit tight, but worth it.

I'm looking forward to it
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Figology said:
That fine bark mulch looks fabulous. Can’t find that in LA.

That's the Double Shredded Hardwood Bark Mulch I was talking about in another thread. It's the best. $40 a cubic yard. Loaded with nutrients too and very slow to break down. For my potted figs I usually use a 4:2:1 Peat:Mulch:Red Clay mix. The mulch acts as perlite to aerate and also a nutrient source. (And help reduce the cost of the potting mix)