I'm super bored traveling in Houston and I'm excited to post about....


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.....creating a Frankenfig when I get back. (I live in Oregon)

I moved into my current home 12.5 years ago and there were 3 fig trees that were already fairly mature in the ground. A Desert King, a Vern's Brown Turkey and a third fig they labeled as Lattarula. It most certainly isn't a Lattarula. The figs are tiny and purple and never hold their breba and never ripen the main. For a 20 year old fig tree, we gave it a chance. It must now donate its life to science.

So between cuttings I got from @Charlie Dodgson, Harvey, and a friend of mine (the guy who makes knives that I posted about before), I'm going to graft 12 varieties:

Filacciano Blanco (Charlie)
Pel de Bou (Charlie)
De La Plata (Harvey)
Albacor Comuna (Harvey)
San Miro Piro (Harvey)
Rossellino (Harvey)
Morocco Alter 23 (Harvey)
Plint Grosso Malunga (Harvey)
Paneta de Monda (Tobiah the knife dude)
Corky’s Honey Delight (Tobiah the knife dude)
Sister Madeline’s Yellow Greek (Tobiah the knife dude)
Crozes (Tobiah the knife dude)

My plan is to attempt 4 different grafting techniques: Terminal bark grafts for larger trunks (probably 3 of them at the end of each large branch), cleft grafts, chip grafts, and a graft I learned from JSacadura's channel called a T-graft. I'll video it for my YouTube channel (because why not) and then report back on the success/failure. Wish me luck!
Good luck finding anything to eat. They roll that town up at 10:00 p.m. when I flew into Dallas-Fort Worth a couple years ago literally there was nothing but a couple of Donuts at the hotel. Of course when the sun came up there was plenty of barbecue. You're grafting plan sounds wonderful I want to create a giant frankenfig myself.
@Venturabananas is the proud gardener of these four amazing Franken figs. I had not realized he is now a member, and had joined up here at FigFanatic. That's so cool, maybe he will pop in here, post some pictures, and say hello.
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Good luck finding anything to eat. They roll that town up at 10:00 p.m. when I flew into Dallas-Fort Worth a couple years ago literally there was nothing but a couple of Donuts at the hotel. Of course when the sun came up there was plenty of barbecue. You're grafting plan sounds wonderful I want to create a giant frankenfig myself.
Dallas-Fort Worth sounds as bad as a one horse town.

That's an impressive list. The only one I have is Rossellino.

I found a lot of really great food in Houston. I found Goode Brothers seafood is outstanding. Their BBQ restaurant was a lot more casual but very good as well. Also a thriving Vietnamese community with many good restaurants.
I know folks that use utility knives with disposable blades - no sharpennng required. I use it for cleft graphs on very skinny root stalk (not figs) to cut down the center. The blades on utility knives are thinner than my grafting knife, so less splitting outwards and fractuiring of one side of the split.