Out of all the figs I've had this year, and it has been a really good number of varieties...today I had some of the best tasting.
A fig that people call a beginners fig.
The flavor was SO good from my 3rd yr in ground CHICAGO HARDY tree.
Now the tree is almost 5 yrs old but in the ground for 3.
They were at the point where they started to shrivel.
My wife said, We need more of these. lol
Mt. Etna figs in the south, they're just the bomb.
Sorry no pics...we couldn't resist and ate them up.
A fig that people call a beginners fig.
The flavor was SO good from my 3rd yr in ground CHICAGO HARDY tree.
Now the tree is almost 5 yrs old but in the ground for 3.
They were at the point where they started to shrivel.
My wife said, We need more of these. lol
Mt. Etna figs in the south, they're just the bomb.
Sorry no pics...we couldn't resist and ate them up.