I'm gonna say it!


Out of all the figs I've had this year, and it has been a really good number of varieties...today I had some of the best tasting.
A fig that people call a beginners fig.
The flavor was SO good from my 3rd yr in ground CHICAGO HARDY tree.
Now the tree is almost 5 yrs old but in the ground for 3.
They were at the point where they started to shrivel.
My wife said, We need more of these. lol
Mt. Etna figs in the south, they're just the bomb.
Sorry no pics...we couldn't resist and ate them up. :P
I never gave those figs a chance. I had Chios Unk and RLBV, but I never let them shrivel. I got a dried Unk Lyon this year and I want more! Valerie gave me her Hardy Syrian from Bass, so next year I hope I'll get to try those.
ZomVee said:
I never gave those figs a chance. I had Chios Unk and RLBV, but I never let them shrivel. I got a dried Unk Lyon this year and I want more! Valerie gave me her Hardy Syrian from Bass, so next year I hope I'll get to try those.

Have you put many trees in ground at your new place?
I need to clear some land and put in a few more.

Not only are they very tasty but I don't protect my CH and it only suffered about 2 to 3 inches of damage at the tips of the branches.
I will be putting Kellie Unk and Colasanti dark in ground.
I also have Azoras dark, M. black, RLbv, Sangue Dolce, And like 4 other Etnas.
Not sure I have one. If I do it is one of the unknowns. There is a reason some figs stay popular. Even with collectors. One of my favorites is still the good ol celeste. It's flavor doesn't pop like U.P. But man is it productive and pretty darn good. :)
ktrain said:
ZomVee said:
I never gave those figs a chance. I had Chios Unk and RLBV, but I never let them shrivel. I got a dried Unk Lyon this year and I want more! Valerie gave me her Hardy Syrian from Bass, so next year I hope I'll get to try those.

Have you put many trees in ground at your new place?
I need to clear some land and put in a few more.

Not only are they very tasty but I don't protect my CH and it only suffered about 2 to 3 inches of damage at the tips of the branches.
I will be putting Kellie Unk and Colasanti dark in ground.
I also have Azoras dark, M. black, RLbv, Sangue Dolce, And like 4 other Etnas.

I've put only four in the ground.. Ischia Black, Algerian Chetoui, I258, and Bourjasotte Grise. 

I'm thinking right now I could put a couple more in. I have Rubado, Hardy Syrian, Unk Lyon, HDA, Nero di Rocca, Gentille Giallo Piato, Blava Flor, Noir de Barbentane???, BNR/San Diego seedling

GGP had the least damage last year, but it dropped its figs, the pot dried out I think. I should put that in the ground. Hardy Syrian and Rubado 
GoodFriendMike said:
Not sure I have one. If I do it is one of the unknowns. There is a reason some figs stay popular. Even with collectors. One of my favorites is still the good ol celeste. It's flavor doesn't pop like U.P. But man is it productive and pretty darn good. :)

I do have a Celeste in ground, but the darn thing keeps dying to the ground.
Or....ambrosia gets it.

I cut it to the ground in spring and it's a monster right now...but the figs will not ripen, they formed too late.

ZomVee said:
ktrain said:
ZomVee said:
I never gave those figs a chance. I had Chios Unk and RLBV, but I never let them shrivel. I got a dried Unk Lyon this year and I want more! Valerie gave me her Hardy Syrian from Bass, so next year I hope I'll get to try those.

Have you put many trees in ground at your new place?
I need to clear some land and put in a few more.

Not only are they very tasty but I don't protect my CH and it only suffered about 2 to 3 inches of damage at the tips of the branches.
I will be putting Kellie Unk and Colasanti dark in ground.
I also have Azoras dark, M. black, RLbv, Sangue Dolce, And like 4 other Etnas.

I've put only four in the ground.. Ischia Black, Algerian Chetoui, I258, and Bourjasotte Grise. 

I'm thinking right now I could put a couple more in. I have Rubado, Hardy Syrian, Unk Lyon, HDA, Nero di Rocca, Gentille Giallo Piato, Blava Flor, Noir de Barbentane???, BNR/San Diego seedling

GGP had the least damage last year, but it dropped its figs, the pot dried out I think. I should put that in the ground. Hardy Syrian and Rubado 

I have a lot I could...put in ground.
It's deciding which ones is the hard part.
I love HDA so it probably will, and Smith.
But I need more Etnas in ground. :)
Ahhh...Chicago Hardy! The first fig tree I ever got. It is still one of my favorites. And it is still my youngest daughter's favorite. She is my fig tasting buddy and tries all of my varieties. She is much better at distinguishing and describing flavors than I am. Even after all the figs we have tried, there are many that she really likes...but Chicago Hardy is still her #1! It is my only in ground fig tree right now and when we don't have these crazy Polar Vortex winters like the past two years, it does great, even though it is unprotected. Definitely a great fig!
RandyK said:
Ahhh...Chicago Hardy!  The first fig tree I ever got.  It is still one of my favorites.  And it is still my youngest daughter's favorite.  She is my fig tasting buddy and tries all of my varieties.  She is much better at distinguishing and describing flavors than I am.  Even after all the figs we have tried, there are many that she really likes...but Chicago Hardy is still her #1!  It is my only in ground fig tree right now and when we don't have these crazy Polar Vortex winters like the past two years, it does great, even though it is unprotected.  Definitely a great fig!

That's awesome Randy, my daughter loves to try them too.
But Amy is the one....she lets me know what is a keeper and what isn't lol
At least in her opinion. :D
Figology said:
I’m having trouble reading your post without picture =)

On a separate topic

FigBid: Ktrain’s Strain of Chicago Hardy: $300 per cutting

I promise any more I'll take pics first. Lol

Let the hyping begin!   :D
Figology said:
I’m having trouble reading your post without picture =)

On a separate topic

FigBid: Ktrain’s Strain of Chicago Hardy: $300 per cutting
 I think you have it pegged!  Ktrain, thanks to Figology, we are on to you now!  :P
They’re very dependable in NJ as well. 

7 of my 10 inground trees are Mt. Etnas - 1 Ciccio Nero and 6 family heirloom. Ciccio Nero will experience its first winter unprotected this coming winter, but the others have had no dieback or a few inches unprotected over the past few winters.

Cool, thank you for adding your experience.
That is just the kind of information people need to see from multiple sources in multiple climates 

Good deal.
based on reports from mods at OF it was year 6 where HC gets extra special...you must be doing something right to get great flavor from year 3. :)
See the post I just made. I compare RLBV in two areas in my yard and they are likenight & day different figs in their development said:

Cool, thank you for adding your experience.
That is just the kind of information people need to see from multiple sources in multiple climates 

Good deal.