I caught one of the critters trying to eat my figs!


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Well, I caught one of the critters trying to eat my figs...

Meet Bo Maverick, or really just Bo for short.  Bo is a very sweet, cuddly one-and-a-half-year-old Siberian Husky.  But don’t let that fool you, deep down he is a true Fig Fanatic!
He really is a good dog…but he would truly eat any fig within his reach.  He knows there are some to the left, but I’m not letting him get to them.  He is still young, so has not learned to wait until they are ripe yet (something many of us are guilty of).  He would eat those unripe figs in a heartbeat if I let him.  Hopefully with age, he will learn patience and waiting for them to fully ripen!
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MiaD said:
Sweet boy. Id share with him😁 Ours haven’t discovered figs yet🤞🏻

It's funny.  We have a 16 year old dog and she has never taken any interest in the figs.  Bo took a sniff of one and said "yum, I'm a gunna eat that"!  And now that he knows they are there, whenever we go near the trees, he is all about trying to snitch some figs!
Always though that breed was so awesome looking...but high energy! lol

Now you know where he is getting the energy! :)
ktrain said:
Always though that breed was so awesome looking...but high energy! lol

Now you know where he is getting the energy! :)

He is definitely high energy!  Not only because he is a husky, but he is still really a puppy.  He was abandoned...he was literally just left chained up by his owners when they moved (I really can't figure some people out)...but he is one of sweetest, most cuddley fluff bombs I have every met.  He is still trying to figure out if he is allowed to eat our cat or not...but he is learning that is a big no-no. :P
RandyK said:
ktrain said:
Always though that breed was so awesome looking...but high energy! lol

Now you know where he is getting the energy! :)

He is definitely high energy!  Not only because he is a husky, but he is still really a puppy.  He was abandoned...he was literally just left chained up by his owners when they moved (I really can't figure some people out)...but he is one of sweetest, most cuddley fluff bombs I have every met.  He is still trying to figure out if he is allowed to eat our cat or not...but he is learning that is a big no-no. :P

lol...no eating cats!

It kills me to hear things like that, people abandoning pets, don't take them on if you can't commit!
Good thing you saved him Randy, kudos to you Sir!
Maverick was always my favorite TV cowboy western show. I watched it so much I memorized the Maverick TV show theme song. With apologies all around I have included the lyrics below.

Who's that tall dark stranger there Maverick is his name comes from the land of who knows where? Luck is his attraction gambling is his game. Riverboat ring your bell, fair thee well Annabelle. Luck is the lady that he knows the best  Stuck in New Orleans, living on Jacks, and Queens. Maverick is a legend of the West.
Beautiful pup. And as Kevin said already. Good of you to rescue him. I see so many dogs chained up. My two akita's stay inside in the a/c. They only go out when they need to. :)
Figless said:
Maverick was always my favorite TV cowboy western show. I watched it so much I memorized the Maverick TV show theme song. With apologies all around I have included the lyrics below.

Who's that tall dark stranger there Maverick is his name comes from the land of who knows where? Luck is his attraction gambling is his game. Riverboat ring your bell, fair thee well Annabelle. Luck is the lady that he knows the best  Stuck in New Orleans, living on Jacks, and Queens. Maverick is a legend of the West.

Haaaa...I love that!  Yeah, it was one of my favorite shows too.  For Bo Maverick...when we were trying to choose a name, I really liked Bo and all the kids liked Maverick...so I decided on Bo Maverick as his full, official name (although I just call him Bo).  And I got a kick out of it that it also was tied into the TV show Maverick.  I know it is not spelled quite the same, but I'm sure you remember the character Beau Maverick?
Yes of course I remember the names of the Maverick boys, and the actors who portrayed them on television screen. Jack Kelly, played the part of Bart Maverick, James Garner, play Brett Maverick, and of course Roger Moore played the cousin Beau Maverick. Of course all the kids on my block loved the fun-loving Bo Maverick. That dog was always showing up whenever there was a Wagon Train headed to California episode. Every time Brett met a pretty girl Bo would go, and chase their cat hilariously breaking up a lot of Western romances. And Fletching a fig Bound for California, if he could.

By the way why not sign up Bo as our newest Fig Garden helper dog members, on figfanatic.com. he is clearly a fig affectionado, and it would be nice to see his viewpoint on your backyard, and home Orchard from a garden dogs perspective. After all he spends more time in the backyard than you do. Maybe you could count him as one of your member sign ups in this new contest?
GoodFriendMike said:
Beautiful pup. And as Kevin said already. Good of you to rescue him. I see so many dogs chained up. My two akita's stay inside in the a/c. They only go out when they need to. :)
Mike, that is good of you to keep them inside in the A/C and out of the heat.  I do that with Bo also...just too hot here in the summer and he really is an inside family dog.  He loves going outside and going on walks...but I think he is very happy coming back in also.
Yes, I also grew up watching all those shows.  Westerns we’re most popular.  I also watched wagon train, Death Valley, rifle man, Branded, Bronco, Sugar foot, Roy Rogers, Sky King and the Lone Ranger.  Saturdays were cartoons.
Figgerlickinggood said:
Yes, I also grew up watching all those shows.  Westerns we’re most popular.  I also watched wagon train, Death Valley, rifle man, Branded, Bronco, Sugar foot, Roy Rogers, Sky King and the Lone Ranger.  Saturdays were cartoons.

Oh, gosh! I had forgotten about some of those westerns! And Saturday morning cartoons…absolutely!

TorontoJoe said:
Awwww! I'd give Bo a pass... :)

Yeah, he definitely gets a pass. He has already won his way into our hearts! He is a very sweet dog and already part of the family now.