HSK Unk. 2024

This is a favorite of mine, don't look as good as yours but very tasty.

Due to carelessness I almost lost my tree, but it loves me so it decided to live.  :D
This variety dries well on the tree, providing more of a nutty flavor.
Click for original

@"JMF75"#5 I’ve seen it ripen in July on the mother tree, but it might need a longer season.
@"Tinyfish"#6 did you end up getting or keeping this variety?
Figology said:
Thanks for the update. If you can make the comparison, how does it compare to AJH and White Madeira #1? It’s on a similar level to WM#1 for me and better than AJH.

For me so far, it taste wise is closer to White Madeira than some of my other adriatics.  That smooth lingering aftertaste, and not overly sweet (which i prefer)I definitely like it more that Strawberry Verte so far.  One that benefits from being very ripe.  ( My AJH is young and hasn't fruited yet)
@Chesapeakefigs @"Figology"#21 @ Thank you so much for posting a thread of HSK UNK... This is clearly a beautiful, and tasty fig variety. I was very taken by your pictures, and your description of the figs flavor. But I have never heard of it before. So I looked, and apparently @"Figology"#21 you might in fact be the discoverer, or breeder of this stunning fig. Could you share some details of this fig? What does the name HSK unk stand for? Was it discovered, or was it part of a seed breeding project? LOL if you're feeling generous please share some details.
Thanks. I hope this one spreads around. I’ll probably send out more cuttings at the end of the season.

@figless I found it growing near a Super King Grocery market. The “H” is for heritage. There’s plenty more details on Ourfigs if you want to dig deeper.
@"Figology"#21 Thank you so much for posting a thread of HSK UNK... This is clearly a beautiful, and tasty fig variety. I was very taken by your pictures, and your description of the figs flavor. But I have never heard of it before. So I looked, and apparently you might in fact be the discoverer, or breeder of this stunning fig. Could you share some details of this fig? What does the name HSK unk stand for? Was it discovered, or was it part of a seed breeding project? LOL if you're feeling generous please share some details.
Figology said:
Thanks. I hope this one spreads around. I’ll probably send out more cuttings at the end of the season.

@figless I found it growing near a Super King Grocery market. The “H” is for heritage. There’s plenty more details on Ourfigs if you want to dig deeper.

Will you have cuttings available ? If you are I'm definitely interested. 👍