Harvey’s new video

This is the first year I want to buy some cuttings from Figaholics. Not that I have to... I already got most varieties that I wanted from FigBid at lower prices than I can get from Harvey, I must say, and the quality was top-notch, but I want to do it for the experience. But I am already feeling exhausted from all the lengthy anticipation and the anxiety about me being able to put the order in quickly enough to get all that I want... and then potentially waiting a month before my order ships... so much fuuuuun:)
I didn’t watch the video, if I do I will end up wanting and adding more varieties.
When will you be waking up your fig trees?
Hi all, have been to busy to visit for a while.

I have some older trees but when I got real serious I started this orchard in 2012. Photos are on my websites home page. Some were planted just a couple of years ago.

I posted an update on my website that I hope for my sale to start Monday evening. I'm right now taking a short brake from coding my shopping cart. I've been busy collecting yangmei scions to get another 399 trees grafted with several friends coming over on Monday to do most of that work. Thanks for your patience!
Hi all, have been to busy to visit for a while.

I have some older trees but when I got real serious I started this orchard in 2012. Photos are on my websites home page. Some were planted just a couple of years ago.

I posted an update on my website that I hope for my sale to start Monday evening. I'm right now taking a short brake from coding my shopping cart. I've been busy collecting yangmei scions to get another 399 trees grafted with several friends coming over on Monday to do most of that work. Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for the update!