Figgerlickinggood Well-known member Friday at 9:33 AM #1 Edible Landscaping has a new video this morning on grape and kiwi vine pruning.
Frankenberry Well-known member Friday at 4:25 PM #3 Kiwi pruning was easy this year, my wife cut down the longest vines. I recovered them from the trash and cut them up for rooting.
Kiwi pruning was easy this year, my wife cut down the longest vines. I recovered them from the trash and cut them up for rooting.
LaFigGwr18 Well-known member Yesterday at 7:06 PM #5 I wished they had zoomed in to see where he took the cutting. I would have loved to see it up close. Thanks for sharing
I wished they had zoomed in to see where he took the cutting. I would have loved to see it up close. Thanks for sharing