Getting My Jam On!

Tridrama said:
TorontoJoe said:
Just shy of 5kg (11 lbs?) of figs. Never done it with this many I-258’s. Should end up a lot darker than last year’s batch 

Click for original

It looks divine! What are some of the varieties you included? Are there some you prefer over others?

This one had maybe 75% I-258. The balance was a mix of WM #1, Bissirri #3, Dalle Muro di Tropea, Nero di Rocca and probably some Impellezzeiri

I don't prefer any specifically for jam but I like more darker than lighter. For a few weeks I've been stemming and freezing anything we didn't eat fresh. I took them out of the freezer last night. Put them in the pot this morning and simmered them down very slowly.
Your jam looks amazing. I can even smell it through my phone screen it's just off the chart, and looking good.