Game on…


Well-known member
First time critter attack last night. I noticed my pups were really interested in one of the fig pots this morning, so I knew that was a bad sign. RLBV and St Rita had half-eaten under-ripe fruits, and my big, beautiful, near perfect De la Roca fig was gone, bag and all but for a bit of stem and shred of skin. I’ll be checking Yelp for my 5-star rating. 
So tonight we’ll set up the trap with sardines, because that’s what I have, and what stinks more than sardines. It’s on!
Best keep that trap in the yard even after because then there’s available real estate now ready for the next varment looking for a place to call home.
Figgerlickinggood said:
Best keep that trap in the yard even after because then there’s available real estate now ready for the next varment looking for a place to call home.

Definitely know we have opossums and raccoons at night, squirrels and birds during the day. I’m tempted to try one of the motion sensor activated sprinklers.

They are still coming through here polishing off what I have left.
I did get a few figs the other day that they missed. lol

I need to disguise my traps better.

Hope you get them!
ktrain said:

They are still coming through here polishing off what I have left.
I did get a few figs the other day that they missed. lol

I need to disguise my traps better.

Hope you get them!

It's our first year, so not much to lose. We’ll likely be working on a sort of fruit cage for next season. Good luck with yours!
@"MiaD"#88 @"RandyK"#37 @"ktrain"#2 Etc. Gentle figfanatic friends. As always I recommend peaceful coexistence between the Earth's two most intelligent species. First off I must remind my fellow members that their Raccoon problem is really a fundamental misunderstanding about the backyard. The Raccoons think the backyard is there's, and were probably living peacefully in that area before the whole subdivision was created, not out of thin air,, but out of the wildlife community of which they are an Apex citizen. In other words they were there first, and may have some confusion about your exclusive rights to their backyard. And the delicious figs that have recently started fruiting in the area. May I suggest you try reasoning with them? Before implementing a program of forced relocation.


I plan on a fencing of sorts to keep them out next year...I don't really have the time to capture all these critters and drive them to different areas.
So we'll see how that goes.
I don't want to snuff them out for being who they are. :)
Kevin the system has glitched on me. Maybe you could help me out can we cancel all my replies I think I sent the same message five times. It kept telling me that it couldn't post it so I would try again then whoops I have five versions of it up. Can we just cancel them all? Toronto Joe's going to give me heck if he has to fix it. I tried re-editing them but they just seemed to be up. Also let's go ahead and cancel this message as well. I have screwed up the whole thread.

Figless said:
Kevin the system has glitched on me. Maybe you could help me out can we cancel all my replies I think I sent the same message five times. It kept telling me that it couldn't post it so I would try again then whoops I have five versions of it up. Can we just cancel them all? Toronto Joe's going to give me heck if he has to fix it. I tried re-editing them but they just seemed to be up. Also let's go ahead and cancel this message as well. I have screwed up the whole thread.

No problem at all Sir, fixed. :)
Figless said:
@"MiaD"#88 @"RandyK"#37 @"ktrain"#2 Etc. Gentle figfanatic friends. As always I recommend peaceful coexistence between the Earth's two most intelligent species. First off I must remind my fellow members that their Raccoon problem is really a fundamental misunderstanding about the backyard. The Raccoons think the backyard is there's, and were probably living peacefully in that area before the whole subdivision was created, not out of thin air,, but out of the wildlife community of which they are an Apex citizen. In other words they were there first, and may have some confusion about your exclusive rights to their backyard. And the delicious figs that have recently started fruiting in the area. May I suggest you try reasoning with them? Before implementing a program of forced relocation.

With cooler heads, we have decided to use a pop-up canopy frame and wrapping it in netting to try to keep everybody out. Maybe adding some mint essential oil as deterrent. Also, we have a bird feeding station on opposite side of house that may lure these beasties away from fig side. I know they like the peanuts and sunflower seeds, as well as water over there. We’ll see…

ktrain said:

I plan on a fencing of sorts to keep them out next year...I don't really have the time to capture all these critters and drive them to different areas.
So we'll see how that goes.
I don't want to snuff them out for being who they are. :)
Not to mention I don’t want these fragrant beasties in my truck :s
@"ktrain"#2 . LOL I can readily understand why you would not want the Fragrant perfume of raccoons and your beautiful green truck. That's counter indicated for sure. I think I've expressed my opinion before I really like your Greenhouse but I do love your truck it's a photogenic showstopper for sure.