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I have to say that I feel like I found some hidden treasure last weekend. My son had a gift card from Christmas burning a hole in his pocket. It was a gift card for a used book supercenter called McKay's. I took him so he could shop for some items and I just browsed. I always keep a lookout for certain books that I would like to get. One of those is The Grafter's Handbook by R. J. Garner. I think it is considered the "bible" of grafting. Anyway, it is usually 30 or 40 bucks (or more) used when I have looked at it online. McKay's never had it in the past (I didn't think), but I always look. This time, as we were checking out I casually mentioned to the check out person that I was looking for this book and they never have it. He was nice enough to look it up in his system and said that they did, if fact, show that they had one. I guess I should have thought to ask sooner! Well, my son had to wait while I went and searched, determined to find this book. And it took some searching. McKay's shelves are pretty deep and The Grafter's Handbook was pushed way, way to the back of the shelf and was actually behind some other books. It took quite an effort to find. Who knows...it may have been there for quite some time, hidden like that. Anyway, long, long story to say that I grabbed that book and got this absolute treasure for 2 BUCKS! I have started reading it (I'm still just on chapter 1), but have been leafing through it and it has a wealth of information!!!