Nutrient deficiency and FMD (fig mosaic disease, caused by FMV (virus)) often go hand in hand. FMD, from my own experience, is the most common cause of nutrient deficiency. I've seen nutrient deficiency caused by poor nutrient absorption or lack of fertilizer as trees come out of dormancy, which results in the first leaf or two showing deformities and mottling, followed by perfectly healthy leaves. Nothing to worry about there. If all/many of your leaves are deformed/blotchy/mottled/evenly spotted, double up your fertilizer and mineral supplements.
Here is my Black Manzanita last year... It looked really bad. But after a few months of fattening it up and pleasing it, it outgrew all of the signs of FMD/nutrient deficiency.
Fig mite activity shows up as irregular spotting, caused by thinning out of leaf matter, very different from blotchiness, mottling or even spotting.
Here are examples from my own collection, confirmed by examining the leaves with a microscope, before I learned about them, their danger to fig trees, and how control/eliminate them: