Finally getting good growth

@"SubmarinePete"#105 . Wow your fig trees certainly are looking vibrant, and healthy right now. I tried to find your location, but it didn't seem to be listed. Maybe it was your automatic watering system. Maybe that was in conjunction with a stronger fertilizer regime, sometimes synthetic fertilizer with the higher salt content can force fluids to be up took by the Fig Tree into its cellular structure forcing vigorous growth. I know I started the year with a couple months of organic fertilizer, then switched to synthetic. My soil has been used three or four times with synthetic fertilizers so I didn't want to do too much salt driven fertigation. I have gone back and forth between synthetic, and organic. Also maybe like many of us you're enjoying a bit of a heatwave that may be helping as well. Either way congratulations for such vigorous, healthy Growth on your fig trees, whatever the reasons.
I believe that, I wish I had set my irrigation up this year.
Makes a huge difference....definitely will get it set up again for next year.
That's awesome growth compared to some of your past videos...Nice!
Hey Pete I think consistency works. Reminds me of fig trees that grow around brooks. Glad to see you're back and running.
Yes.  It's a goldilocks zone thing, not too hot, not too cold, plenty of light and fertigate.
My potted fig trees always shutdown new growth during the peak of the summer sun. Once the days get cooler and the light changes, I start to see new growth again.
Figless said:
@"SubmarinePete"#105 . Wow your fig trees certainly are looking vibrant, and healthy right now. I tried to find your location, but it didn't seem to be listed. Maybe it was your automatic watering system. Maybe that was in conjunction with a stronger fertilizer regime, sometimes synthetic fertilizer with the higher salt content can force fluids to be up took by the Fig Tree into its cellular structure forcing vigorous growth. I know I started the year with a couple months of organic fertilizer, then switched to synthetic. My soil has been used three or four times with synthetic fertilizers so I didn't want to do too much salt driven fertigation. I have gone back and forth between synthetic, and organic. Also maybe like many of us you're enjoying a bit of a heatwave that may be helping as well. Either way congratulations for such vigorous, healthy Growth on your fig trees, whatever the reasons.
Ok—I think I fixed the signature 

I know it’s just anecdotal but I haven’t made any other changes recently. The fertilizer was applied just before I took the photo so it wasn’t that although I do think that will help moving forward. Temp has been pretty constant because I control it with a cooling system. It could also be a water quality issue ( I swapped well water out for pond water) but I had both tested and they should have both been good.

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