ficus opposita variation?


Well-known member
just now i watched this short video of a ficus opposita. what's super strange to me is that the figs in the video are so very different than mine, which are way smaller and green inside when ripe (like this one). as i commented, i'd be happy if my ficus opposita x carica seedlings eventually produced figs like the ones in the video.

variation among individuals of the same species is the source of adaptation and evolution. but in the case of ficus opposita, did the native people exert enough selection pressure to cause such a big disparity in the figs? or is this amount of variation normal for a typical ficus species?

now that we know it's possible for opposita and carica to hybridize, any chance that this has naturally happened in australia without anyone realizing it? maybe i'm biased but i think that my hybrid seedlings look rather distinct, but if they crossed back onto opposita, i'm sure that some could fly under the radar as opposita.