Fall up-potting?

The Greek

Active member
I realize the answer to this may vary depending on what Zone you are in.  I have never done any pruning or up-potting in the fall. Some say up-potting is bad because the larger pot will naturally retain more moisture, raising the risk of freezing roots during winter.  I am in Zone 8A and we are probably 5-6 weeks away from our first frost, and I am told I can probably get away with up-potting, as long as I do it ASAP.

I have a dozen trees currently in 1-quart or 2-quart containers and they are too big for that, so I wanted to up-pot them to a 1-gallon or 2-gallon pot.  Pros and cons?  Suggestions? Because they are so young, I will need to store them in the garage or shed during the winter.

Assuming the answer is "ok to up-pot now", what process do you suggest?

Normally when I up-pot in Spring, I add some slow-release nutrients like lime pellets, oyster shell powder, gypsum, and finally some Osmocote. I also sprinkle Mycorrhizae powder on the roots. Then I top off with 1-2 inches of cow manure compost. I realize it's not a good idea to do all of that now, but what would be ok to use? I know Gypsum is helpful for pest resistance and cold resistance, so I assume that one is ok?

What about a little Osmocote and Mycorrhizae?

I also use Liquid Silica mixed in with plant food during the regular season. Would it be ok to continue using Liquid SIlica (by itself) up until either first frost or full dormancy starts?

Thanks in advance!
@"The Greek"#39 - I'm assuming in north GA you'll still be putitng them away somewhere. I would leave them only to save myself moving a bigger pot to store them.

They're probably done most of their growing for the year anyway.
Good question... because they are so young, I will need to store them in the garage or shed during the winter.

I was that because I live in a warmer zone, and I am not going up to a huge size pot, that I can get away with it, as long as I do it asap (looking to do it today or tomorrow actually).
The Greek said:
Good question...  because they are so young, I will need to store them in the garage or shed during the winter.

I was that because I live in a warmer zone, and I am not going up to a huge size pot, that I can get away with it, as long as I do it asap (looking to do it today or tomorrow actually).


If you do up pot them now...I wouldn't mess with the root much at all.
If they are root bound and circling I would just make some lateral cuts to stop the circling and that's it.

The room you give them in the bigger pot will be sufficient for another season.
@"The Greek"#39 Hello my friend :) . On the whole I think you can get away with it. I would be okay with all the supplements, and soil additives you suggested (except the cow manure). Save that for the spring. I agree with every suggestion that @"ktrain"#2 made above. We up potted 90 somewhat smaller tree pots into 5 gallon two weeks ago with great results. Those had very good well lignified root systems. The soil was well draining. Definitely use a good MYCO product. I'm going to recommend Extreme Myco use the pelletized. It's cheaper. LOL why did you wait?
Figless said:
@"The Greek"#39 Hello my friend :) . On the whole I think you can get away with it. I would be okay with all the supplements, and soil additives you suggested (except the cow manure). Save that for the spring. I agree with every suggestion that @"ktrain"#2 made above. We up potted 90 somewhat smaller tree pots into 5 gallon two weeks ago with great results. Those had very good well lignified root systems. The soil was well draining. Definitely use a good MYCO product. I'm going to recommend Extreme Myco use the pelletized. It's cheaper. LOL why did you wait?

Hello friend!  Yes most are lignified now - I did not wait long :-).  Just got these 1 week ago and had to pick up soil yesterday.  I went ahead and up-potted everything yesterday to 2-gallon containers. Only 2 out of 12 or so were root-bound.  I used the Extreme Myco product - that's my go-to!  I did not add any other nutrients or compost, but I may do that today.  Probably some lime and Osmocote and then give them all a soluble dose of MG AP + Siliia Blast.
@"The Greek"#39 sounds like you were in good time to up pot. Definitely lay off the manure, love the Silica Blast. That will help with everything. BTW all those other micronutrients you mentioned are positive additions to your up potted soil. No need to wait, scratch them into the surface. BTW I'm very glad to see you here my friend.