Extra Rootstocks?


Well-known member
If you have extra Apple Plum or Peach Rootstocks I'd be interested in taking them on...even if they are not the best, maybe failed from previous grafts or just unused stock from the stoolbed

I have plenty coming but I have an abundance to play with also as far as scions / buds and my graft percentage is fairly high ... as far as using extras I'm looking to experiment with interstem grafts and side by side comparison .. and trying new grafting methods

Mainly looking for Apple varieties G214 and Bud 9, and roots to put them onto M111, M7 and G935... but i will consider others... disease free and resistance a must ...I can do custom grafts and send trees back too or swap for other plants

As far as plums i was only doing a few this year but ive had an order sitting for a long time with stock and concerned about their health... the only other stock I have is an unknown variety.. I have an abundance of a few varieties that I can attempt on extras. I'm very interested in dwarfing traits or water tolerance.. the varieties I'm grafting are Flavor King and methley, Spring Satin, Santa Rosa, Elephant Heart and Nadia Cherry

For plums I prefer healthy dwarfing or citation stock ...I thought I'd post in case extras are sitting around that can be put to use .. grafting season is soon here and I'm in the mood to graft alot of trees and also to experiment with other styles without worrying so much about success rate

Again I have purchased plenty for this years purpose but whatever more I can swap for or take on ill be glad to make into trees .. after I'm done with apples in the first round i can do interstem or bud trees with multiple varieties ... some types can turn varieties that take years to fruit and get them bloom in 2 or 3...I'll know what extra scions and buds I'll have by eom. but should he plenty of varieties to choose from if you want grafted trees in return