Drought, Flood and Heat oh my. Did we make it?


Wow what a year, I know I know, it's not over yet. Had months of drought, even when it was raining all around we got nothing. Then, all of a sudden we got hit with, not one, but two massive rain events of over 12 inches of rain in just a day or two with some flooding. And, we had some warmish days that baked the poor trees. Kind of tough on fig trees, even my in-ground trees are looking tired. They lost most of their leaves way early with just a few new leaves at the end of each branch. Normally this would worry me on a single tree but all of my 12 in-ground trees are doing it. Even my potted trees look bad, they had lots of brown leaves this year also. New year of cuttings already started and looking good, (knock knock). I have put together a list of fig varieties that is impressive if I say so myself. Still lots I would like to have but the prices of some cuttings is outrageous now, some actually selling for $50 and up for a single cutting. Well here's hoping we can glide through the rest of the year with no issues and hope next year is friendlier to us growers.
That is a lot of different stresses on those trees, hopefully they will make it through.
The critters were my biggest threat this year. Oy
We had a mild season from past years of rain after rain after rain.
I lost a few this year, culled a lot!
A few more to go and this cutting season I may take on a couple.
Don't pay those big prices...soon enough they will come down.