DK main ripening

3 yrs and I never got one of the main to ripen.
The tree grew so big I air layered it in half.
They produced a ton of main...I just had enough after that & said good bye.

That one looks pretty good though.
Looks Tasty @"Topfigs"#79
I'm just shocked that out of all the main crop mine put out not a single one ripened all the way.
They would look like it...but then drop. Oy
ktrain said:
Looks Tasty @"Topfigs"#79
I'm just shocked that out of all the main crop mine put out not a single one ripened all the way.
They would look like it...but then drop. Oy

Yea, I feel you bro! I usually remove them but this year I got lazy and most dropped just 3 or 4 ripened. They weren’t tasty.