Disturbing video!

Joe it's clear that the raccoon. Was being a perfect gentleman. While there may be some competition ongoing in former Wilderness areas that have been urbanized in the last century, there's no reason to adopt nihilist anti-racoon sentiments on well behaved raccoons such as the one featured in your video.
That’s your next door neighbor, he gives them just enough fig newton’s to get them hooked on figs so that they will go hang out at night in your yard and eat your figs.
Figless said:
Joe it's clear that the raccoon. Was being a perfect gentleman. While there may be some competition ongoing in former Wilderness areas that have been urbanized in the last century, there's no reason to adopt nihilist anti-racoon sentiments on well behaved raccoons such as the one featured in your video.

Yes he was well behaved, just like an unwanted guest who uninvitedly shows up in the morning for a cup of coffee and stays for dinner.