Cavaliere goodness


Dang folks, this was probably the best Cavaliere I've had.
Was around the 40 gram mark, skin was a bit tough having ripened in cooler weather.
But dang, I got a jolly rancher type flavor from it, very sweet and syrupy.

I picked it a little early because there was a split in the skin, not like the fig split on it's own..I think I may have caused it. :D
Too bad it was my last one, but what a way to get a last one!
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FruitBrute said:
Debating on adding this one...... you have a strong argument

It took a year of mediocre figs...(last year)
Much better this year.

I'd say if you have the room...give it a try.

Figology said:
Culled that was one. Looks good

Why the cull?
@"9ah-figlet"#12   Wow that's a good size, I'm not sure mine were getting that big...but good size for sure.
Already can't wait for next season. :P
I need to go check on mine. The Hurricane caused the first few to explode into a mushy mess  of rotting yuck and wasps. But now the weather is dry and I need some good figs to eat! Yours look amazing and I'm jealous! lol
@"ktrain"#2 you're ripened fig look photogenically superb. @"9ah-figlet"#12 your 90 plus gram [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Cavaliere easily reaches the gigantienormous size. With a photogenically explicit interior that was simply scrumptious looking. Congratulations to both of you for ripening such beautiful Cavaliere fig fruit.[/font]

@"ktrain"#2 Was this the [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Cavaliere fig fruit that garnered 700 + views? You guys don't think that having @"ross raddi"#132 might have brought some additional attention to figfanatic over the last couple of days? Then again those Cavaliere fig fruits looked mighty tasty[/font]
2Angels said:
I need to go check on mine. The Hurricane caused the first few to explode into a mushy mess  of rotting yuck and wasps. But now the weather is dry and I need some good figs to eat! Yours look amazing and I'm jealous! lol

Hope you get some, I may need to have two of this trees. :)
I feel very fortunate to have even gotten it with all the critter troubles. lol

@"Figless"#18   Thanks bud, I was very happy when I got home and it was still on the tree. lol
I had put it close to the house when I left for work, and it paid off.
Sad I will have to wait until next season for any more.
Thank you Kevin. For some reason I thought there were two versions of this fig. One by Baud and I thought there was another one maybe I'm just getting old lol 😆
JMF75 said:
Thank you Kevin. For some reason I thought there were two versions of this fig. One by Baud and I thought there was another one maybe I'm just getting old lol 😆

Lol age creepeth upon us. :dodgy: 

Actually now that you say that, isn't there another one?
Now you have me thinking I've heard that. 
I need to look it up now.
RandyK said:
That’s a good looking fig and a strong review. This one hadn’t even been on my radar…

It ripens around this time for us here in 7a in a pot but worth the headstart if you have the space. Too late for inground I think but haven't trialed it.
@"JMF75"#5 and @"ktrain"#2  here are my leaves.
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Mine is the Baud version that I bought from Harvey. It is 2-yrs old and very productive. Figlets formed by 6/19, and I harvested the first one 9/7. It was uppotted from a 3-gallon to 8-gallon while dormant so it grew scaffolds, a good rootball, and produced huge figs in this season (has at least 25 left on the 6-ft tree). Pretty impressive in my book!

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You know that's funny...before the main trunk died over the winter, it had leaves more like yours Nina, but when it grew back it started making spade leaves.
I will monitor it and see what it does next year.
The figs look pretty much the same except for the bit of darker color on mine.
@"9ah-figlet"#12 .OMG that is one gigantinormous fig, or you have really really tiny hands. Either way it looks beautiful congratulations you're knocking it out of the ballpark this year.