I talked to @"TorontoJoe"#1 about splitting up the Caprifig section. And creating sub-pages. So we created A "General Discussion" section. For those just wanting to talk about anything Caprifig. But you can still post in the main section if you prefer. There is also a "History and Studies" section. For those wanting to post studies or historical pieces and discuss them. Then last but not least. Is a "Varieties" section to post and talk about a specific variety. When it comes to the "Variety" section. Would you the members rather be the first to make a post of a variety? Or would you rather me start a thread with a very basic post? Like I did with a few varieties. This is not meant to be a database. Just a section to talk about specific figs. If any have thoughts on this let me know. I want this to be a member based thing. As that is who it is meant for.