Caprifig thread thoughts?


I talked to @"TorontoJoe"#1 about splitting up the Caprifig section. And creating sub-pages. So we created A "General Discussion" section. For those just wanting to talk about anything Caprifig. But you can still post in the main section if you prefer. There is also a "History and Studies" section. For those wanting to post studies or historical pieces and discuss them. Then last but not least. Is a "Varieties" section to post and talk about a specific variety. When it comes to the "Variety" section. Would you the members rather be the first to make a post of a variety? Or would you rather me start a thread with a very basic post? Like I did with a few varieties. This is not meant to be a database. Just a section to talk about specific figs. If any have thoughts on this let me know. I want this to be a member based thing. As that is who it is meant for. :)
Looking good over there Mike,

I kind of figured you would list out your Capri and the information that goes with it.
After all you're Captain Caprifig  :D
I personally would like to know the best choices for the hobby pollinator.
I'm even curious to know the best capri to have growing if one was to try to maintain a wasp population.
Maybe I should be posting this all over there. lol
ktrain said:
Looking good over there Mike,

I kind of figured you would list out your Capri and the information that goes with it.
After all you're Captain Caprifig  :D
I personally would like to know the best choices for the hobby pollinator.
I'm even curious to know the best capri to have growing if one was to try to maintain a wasp population.
Maybe I should be posting this all over there. lol
The best choice for the hobby pollinator. Is whatever Capri has persistent profichi that you can get a hold of cheaply. Minus Croisic. That one is a pain to work with. :) Trying out the edit button. Man I can list mine and many more. I still have yet to right down my whole collection. Kind of scary to think about. But I will list them all at some point. That may get more members interested? Oh back to the capitan thing LOL
I’d like to see a glossary of the terms (persistent, caducous, mammoni, etc)  and a discussion of hand pollination techniques. A list of common figs improved by pollination would also be good.

For each caprifig, can we say whether persistent, amount of pollination, edible main crop, photo of fruit and leaves.
@"9ah-figlet"#12 A glossary is something that would help many. But I wonder if we should add more terms than just the ones for Caprifig's? Starting next season I will take many photo's and post them here. And hope other members do as well. A lot of good idea's Nina.
Ok, I have Enderud, Saleeb, UCD 347-1, and Capri Q. My trees are young—only the UCD 347-1 has fruited for me. If you tell me what photos you are looking for, I can start sharing them.
9ah-figlet said:
Ok, I have Enderud, Saleeb, UCD 347-1, and Capri Q. My trees are young—only the UCD 347-1 has fruited for me. If you tell me what photos you are looking for, I can start sharing them.

Whatever you want to share. I would love for all members to get involved. I have many photo's. But I posted them all over the place. I want to post some new ones here. I don't want the members here to say to themselves. "I seen that already". When I go thru fig sites and see the same post over and over. I think "Why do we have so many sites. If it is all the same post". I did post a simple glossary. I am still trying to figure out why it did not align correctly. The preview was correct. Still working everything out. Besides it not posting right. Let me know what you think. Please be honest. I am doing this to help out. And if it does not help. I need to edit it or rewrite it. :)