Breeding figs


Anyone here remember the discussion of breeding fig seedling on Ourfigs? I swore you have to have a pollinated fig to get viable seeds?
I remember a few conversations...something along those lines.
But yea like mike said...they do have to be pollinated.
The seeds are quite a bit larger, one way to tell.
GoodFriendMike said:
Yes the fig needs to be pollinated to have viable seeds. Not sure I remember the conversation you are talking about. I have been part of many that have to do with Capri and breeding.
There have been so many of them over the years. Say a seed takes from a fruit that has not been pollinated, all it would be is a mutated tree of the same variety? Also should grow out of it?
@"jgkerns13"#41. I am afraid that Capri figs is not my strongest subject. Sadly I'm pretty ignorant, still even though we currently have only a small membership participating in our platform. We have the best possible leadership in place.

((Toronto Joe wants you to have successful breeding projects)). No matter what state you live in, He already has an expert in place to help you every day of the week to be successful. He doesn't just have knowledgeable members you can ask. He also has hired a moderator expert in breeding programs ready to answer your questions. He can, and will be able to help you succeed in Ficus breeding programs...

Joe is the farthest thinker that has ever taken leadership over an online Horticultural platform. He's clearly thinking many steps ahead of everyone else. If you want to discuss other plant varieties you don't have to leave to do it. Need help with your breeding program @"GoodFriendMike"#9 has the knowledge, and wants to help you succeed.
@"jgkerns13"#41 I would say it is possible a mutation can occur and a unpollinated seed develops into a viable seed. But the odds of that happening is very slim.