
I rooted some dormant blueberry cutting a few years ago. They were the first cuttings I ever rooted. I kept them under a heat dome. They had a much lower success rate (< 40%) than fig cuttings ( >90%). So the best advice I can give is, maybe root more than you need, just in case your experience turns out similarly to mine. Good luck!
I am going to take a few cuttings of blueberries today and try to get them to root. This time around I will try and root them the same way as I do fig cuttings. Any suggestions?

Dormant blueberry cuttings take longer to root than figs, so be patient. Also they will leaf out before they root so keep up the humidity until they are well rooted. And like said above they have a lower success rate so stick more than you need.
Blueberries take forever and are usually unsuccessful to me. I was told they were difficult to root from cutting so I wish you the best of luck and hopefully your outcome is better than my personal experience! :)

Blackberries and figs on the other hand, very easy to root from cutting haha
My daughter and I happened to catch a lesson by Mike McConkey of edible landscaping on how he roots blueberries (non-dormant). It was similar to the video above, 6-8” terminal branch, trim them back to the top couple of leaves, and just push the stem into a 4 inch pot. He used a potting mix rich in compost that he formulated, but i seem to remember peat was also suggested as a possibility. They then go into a warm greenhouse with intermittent misting.