BFF, Honey Plum, BBN, Exquisito, and LSU Scott’s Black


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Today’s tasting of Bass Favorite Fig, Honey Plum, Bordissot Blanca Negra, Exquisito, and LSU Scott’s Black was varying degrees of sweet berry flavored-delights!

Hubby’s favorite was BBN (first time this 5-yr tree fruited for me after receiving it as a bareroot tree last yr). I couldn’t pick a favorite 🤷‍♀️😉 tonight. 

Starting at top then clockwise: BBN, Exquisito, BFF, Honey Plum, and LSU Scott’s Black.

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Wow, those look great!  And look at that one just oozing goodness...I think it must be the Exquisito?  And I love that cutting board, by the way!