Backyard squirrel just got himself in trouble.


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@"TorontoJoe"#1 @"ktrain"#2 @"The Figtator"#4 dear gentle Figfanatic members. Could effective squirrel cages be recommended for me. My foolish squirrel just ate three of our ripening figs. Amazingly he found them out of 180 trees. The squirrel is begging for relocation. I don't want to let him down. What are my most reliable choices. Now that he's had a taste there's no stopping him.
Good morning Greg,

I just use the basic live traps, they have 3 or 4 different sizes so just get a small one.
I picked mine up at TSC.

Once they get the taste of's all over unless you get them out or spend lots of money on fencing.
Squirrelinator Trap is the most effective I have used. Wiped out the infestation I had in a week. 1-2 a day. I don’t relocate. If you do take them a long way, 5 miles. Be aware they are territorial so you will probably drop them in battle zone! 😂
@"One Eyed Bob"#68. Is the [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Squirrelinator Trap a live trap, or does it kill them? With the name like  Squirrelinator Trap it doesn't seem to imply Second Chances. My neighbors have two little girls who play in the backyard. So I would hate to knock off their Forest creatures. Relocating into a battle Zone is the unfortunate consequence of filching those figs. Nothing I can do about that but I am willing to relocate them.[/font]
I have been using several Havahart traps. ( trap and release elsewhere). The large is pretty huge, and the medium is a good size. I often bait the traps with the figs they rip off the trees and damage, that and walnuts and peanuts. They are little terrors
While the weather in NJ has been great this year for ripening even late varieties this year, the critters have been a bigger P.I.T.A. Than ever before.

Havahart traps have captured nearly 10 chipmunks, a dozen squirrels, and 4 raccoons (3 babies and their mom). All have been relocated far away where I hope they compete with larger, hungrier beasts.

I still have lots of squirrels around as oak trees are also loaded with acorns this year. So, the trapping and relocation efforts will continue. Havahart traps have worked great.
@"Opiem10"#49 thank you so much for your have a heart suggestion. I am probably going to buy a squirrelanator, and the have a heart Traps will the small be sufficient for squirrels?

The Squirrelinator is a very good design. I have one however I've never been able to trap more than one at a time. I imagine the one inside signals to others to stay away. I wish they would build a smaller unit using the same principal

Also, being mammals... they can taste spice. A superhot pepper spray does work... only it washes off with rain and you definitely need to get it off your figs before you eat them.
@"TorontoJoe"#1. I suppose it's the [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Squirrelinator for me. I'm not in a big squirrel area. We've never had more than four at a time including both my neighbors. My younger aggressive squirrel is the immediate problem. I think if I relocate him the problem should alleviate itself.[/font]
@"Figless", I have caught chipmunks and squirrels in the small Havahart traps. However, I have found the larger, single door traps to catch more and to be less sensitive to closing on their own.
Figless said:
@"One Eyed Bob"#68. Is the [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Squirrelinator Trap a live trap, or does it kill them? With the name like  Squirrelinator Trap it doesn't seem to imply Second Chances. My neighbors have two little girls who play in the backyard. So I would hate to knock off their Forest creatures. Relocating into a battle Zone is the unfortunate consequence of filching those figs. Nothing I can do about that but I am willing to relocate them.[/font]
It is a live trap. Easy to set. Just worked.