Anyone growing a Zrequa Fig Tree


Well-known member
Anyone growing a Zrequa fig tree? My first year fig tree has grown into a 5' footer with a lot of figs. My Zrequa is from Harvey's figaholic sale. I bought this fig tree because it looked to be a good size, and tasty fig. What can I expect from this beautiful girl?

I promise to post some pictures of the fig tree tomorrow.
Hm...I have not heard of this one.
Been all up and down Harvey's list and don't remember it.
I read through all his varieties and picked the ones I thought would do good here in Ga.

Hope that turns out to be a good one!
@Zrequa was the very last entry before the Capri figs we're listed. I'm sure their large size had a lot to do with their being likely caprified growing on Harvey's. land.
I got this one from Harvey also just this year.  My tree is not near as big as yours yet and no figs this year.  So, really looking forward to seeing pictures of yours and getting your opinion.  There doesn't seem to be much on this one...other than Harvey's information.  Very excited to try this one.  I think he said it is supposed to originally be from Morocco.  I have a good friend from Morocco, so those varieties catch my eye.  I don't necessarily get all of those varieties, but this one looks like it might be worthy  :)
@"RandyK"#37 it definitely caught my eye as well Randy. It's my thickest trunk, I pinched It Off at about 30 in. Unfortunately it was one of my first pinches, and I tried to save too much of the apical bud. It just kept growing through the pinch LOL so now it's huge, and it has a few figs. Some branches did develop so we will have to see how to shape it come winter. I'll be able to take a few cuttings off it that's for sure. My phone camera doesn't always catch branch, or trunk thicknesses accurately. This one is thicker than a Sharpie.