All moved in


Well-known member
Wow what a day.  It was a lousy all day rain.  It started pouring again this morning.  Despite all the stuff we got rid of before the move still so much stuff we have no idea where it’s gonna fit.  I’ll just figure it out as I go along.  The new shed also arrived yesterday and that’s already filled to capacity.  The laundry room is filled to capacity.  It’ll just take time to find the right spot for everything.  One day at a time.  Meanwhile the workers showed up this morning.  My husband is having the carport turned into a one chair barbershop.  In Staunton you can operate a small business in your home.

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So glad you got phase 1 done ☺️

It is amazing how easy it is to accumulate so much stuff without realizing it.

That's so cool y'all are converting that space, please post some pics of the progress.
I love seeing projects come together. 😁
I have learned that the older one gets, the more stuff you accumulate. Especially when you have been married for 45 years. I keep telling my husband we need to downsize/declutter our stuff.  Our kids won't want our stuff when we pass. The only problem with that is when you get rid of it, you forget, and then one day you  want or need it again. Good luck finding a space for everything, even if you need to store it up in the attic.
@"Figgerlickinggood"#7. Teresa I'm so glad you've got the move done. If that's your shed in the backyard in the picture it looks like a good one. I hope your husbands home barber shop is very successful for you both, and a forfilling experience for him. Please post pictures when it's all done. Sorry about the rain Teresa, I hope it wasn't too much of a problem.
Glad to hear the move-in is done. Sounds like still a lot to do, but I think the hardest part is behind you now.
Ok taking a little break. @Ktrain here’s the progress on the barbershop. They went at it really good since they started it yesterday. Also these are all the fig trees we brought here and the persimmon and jujube trees plus there’s a beautiful big tree in the backyard of this house. Be nice to set up some chairs to sit underneath it.
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Wow that is a nice tree for sitting under!
And your fig trees look great.
Can't wait to see the barber shop finished.
At least the hard part of the move is done, now the unpack...oy!
@Krain and all other members in the track of hurricane Hellene please make sure to secure everything and have everything prepared for a wild ride.  You could be without power for days.  Gas up you cars, have enough batteries, water, candles, food etc.  evacuate if the authorities are urging it. STAY SAFE!
@"ktrain"#2 @"Figgerlickinggood"#7 All our friends, and members in, or near the path of hurricane [font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Hellene.[/font] Please stay safe, and take Extra Care during this extreme weather event.
We are smack in the middle of Helen's path. My husband has been saying for the past year we need to get a generator. Today he says there is a chance we may be without power for 5 days. Flint Energy has a repair facility within 10 miles of our house so I don't see a need to buy one. I hope he is wrong. lol.  I am so addicted to being on the internet and watching tv.

LadyGT said:
We are smack in the middle of Helen's path. My husband has been saying for the past year we need to get a generator. Today he says there is a chance we may be without power for 5 days. Flint Energy has a repair facility within 10 miles of our house so I don't see a need to buy one. I hope he is wrong. lol.  I am so addicted to being on the internet and watching tv.

Oh dang! I hope he's wrong too! Stay safe!
@"LadyGT"#46 . Please take care of yourself there are things more important than the internet. My poor friends had their house cut into two pieces by a tree in the tropical storm a couple months ago in Texas. Please be careful everyone during this extreme weather event
Figless said:
@"LadyGT"#46 . Please take care of yourself there are things more important than the internet. My poor friends had their house cut into two pieces by a tree in the tropical storm a couple months ago in Texas. Please be careful everyone during this extreme weather event

@Figless, There isn't much to do once the storm arrives and you have no power. We had a rare ice storm one time and power was out for 6-8 hours. We were safe, but what does one do with all the "free" time.  When things go bad, you realize how much you take for granted. Has anybody used a windup radio? What a pain to use just to connect with the outside. It was better than nothing tho.