Has anyone ever ordered trees from this nursery?

Seems the reviews are not the best.
I will not bash them as I have not bought from them.
And that it not what we are all about here.
But I will say it is best to read reviews and ask around before buying from anywhere.
Best among the ones we've order from (many) was Trees of Antiquity - larger and healthier than most. Check them out.

A local nursery/feed store might also have some, that's usually cheaper and you see the tree before you buy and usually they are in 5-7 gallon pots as opposed to bare root.

Another option is also to order bare root saplings from U of Kentucky or U of Missouri - they have American persimmon for $0.60 to $1 a tree, and whip and tongue them when you get them. You'll have to source the scion wood, you might be able to do this locally (the lady across the road from us has a nice Asian variety).

You might be able to use some of the smaller/thinner branches from your tree for WnT scions, best to collect them when they are dormant and store in the fridge until the sap is just rising in your RS. It's probably too late to order from those programs this year, but I could send you a couple from the U of K I got last Friday if you wanna try it.
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I've heard bad things but not ordered myself. I recommend ourgreenworld I've gotten Poms and figs from them, all healthy, they sell persimmons and many other fruit trees.