My first attempt at grafting was a success. Made three lousy chip-bud grafts a few weeks ago, completely forgot about them, and now I see this:)



Great success! (in Borat's voice) :LOL:

Nothing lousy if they took. They look great!

Better that my first try for sure
I VOTE FOR A FIG GRAFTING CATAGORY : A good idea !!! but will vote with words ,not cheap but have way more words than money ! AND well placed words have a market of there own ,at times more valuble than gold and more wieghty . ANY way number one line in this would be to send all the curious to JSacadura's how to videos !!! THAT SHOULD DO 99% OF THE QUESTIONS ,THE OTHER 1% WOULD BE LOCAL TIMING ,PERSONAL RESULTS AND TRICKS ,ETC.
I also found a series of Grafting Lesson videos on SkillCult YT channel quite informative and helpful.

@Figgin' A that's a great video, thank you so much for posting it. I two would vote for grafting, I would love us to add a fig grafting forum/category.

I would also love to see a @Fig Gazer double Whip, and tongue video. Maybe somebody handy with a camera could help make that happen? Would you be open to doing a whip, and tongue video. If we could bring a amateur video techie to make it easy for you? I have a CRFG member who caretaks a 3 Acre Orchard in Ojai California LOL almost a neighbor Phil They make pretty good videos, and have expressed an interest in meeting you.
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I also found a series of Grafting Lesson videos on SkillCult YT channel quite informative and helpful.

BOY OH BOY ! I do not like his knife handeling at all !!! very dangerous ! to much thumbs in way ,not enough gentle rocking . use of cleft on small rootstock more usefull to w & t on ,cleft is better off center on larger diam wood with only one max 2 sion pieces .stick with the fellows video i sugested .JSacadura .
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@Figgin' A that's a great video, thank you so much for posting it. I two would vote for grafting, I would love us to add a grafting forum/category.

I would also love to see a @Fig Gazer double Whip, and tongue video. Maybe somebody handy with a camera could help make that happen? Would you be open to doing a whip, and tongue video. If we could bring a amateur video techie to make it easy for you? I have a CRFG member who caretaks a 3 Acre Orchard in Ojai California LOL almost a neighbor Phil They make pretty good videos, and have expressed an interest in meeting you.
ONE side of me loves to teach folks grafting figs the other side says i do not carey enough liability insurance to cover the clumsey litigeous folks !
BOY OH BOY ! I do not like his knife handeling at all !!! very dangerous ! to much thumbs in way ,not enough gentle rocking . use of cleft on small rootstock more usefull to w & t on ,cleft is better off center on larger diam wood with only one max 2 sion pieces .stick with the fellows video i sugested .
Thanks for your feedback. Please, don't throw rocks at me, but I found both channels's grafting videos quite informative and complementing each other :) Knife handling is very personal... defined by your personality. Teach ten people a cutting technique, let them do it, and you will see ten different cutting techniques. I think I am pretty good at handling knives, being into cooking and wood carving, but I bet some would say that my knife skills suck as I am sure how I handle my knife is likely different from others :)
Thanks for your feedback. Please, don't throw rocks at me, but I found both channels's grafting videos quite informative and complementing each other :) Knife handling is very personal... defined by your personality. Teach ten people a cutting technique, let them do it, and you will see ten different cutting techniques. I think I am pretty good at handling knives, being into cooking and wood carving, but I bet some would say that my knife skills suck as I am sure how I handle my knife is likely different from others :)
Figgin :very true words ! Spent 46 years cutting fish every day with big buttock knife and grafting since teen years and still have all my fingers and few scars .having your fingers in a box does not count as having . SOME knife work makes me cringe ! especialy with folding knifes . YOU can get away with most any thing for a while but if you give somthing a small chance to cut you in time it will !
In general, after over 500 grafts on fig trees, I would definitely go with 1) WnT, 2) modified cleft, and LASTLY chip-bud.

Most of mine have taken, but the failure rate and weakness is more for the CB, not to mention sometimes having to force it to push out of a dormant bud is a pain and rate of growth is usually less. But sometimes, depending on where the nodes are and stock size it is the better/only option.
Anyone ever lose a graft in the spring from a late freeze?

Most of my grafts have been in Jan-Mar but in a greenhouse.
My first fig graft that made it. I did indoors.
It even ripened a fig but died from a late freeze when I put it outside.
Seems grafts can't handle the cold until they grow a year or so.
My guess anyway.
My first fig graft that made it. I did indoors.
It even ripened a fig but died from a late freeze when I put it outside.
Seems grafts can't handle the cold until they grow a year or so.
My guess anyway.
This is what I thought... maybe a good idea (for @Figgerlickinggood) to save a section of the top (scion) wrapped in parafilm and bagged in the fridge in case the first graft fails/freezes.
I finallyt got the watch the full video. Doing the cuts in one pass is definitely something I need to work on to keep them smooth. I think I'd be a bit afraid to make a tongue like he does but I want to try it. I'm very happy I bought those thumb protectors.

The biggest challenge for me is staying focused..... I'm going to go see if there's a book out there called something along the lines of, "Grafting For The Easily Distracted"
I finallyt got the watch the full video. Doing the cuts in one pass is definitely something I need to work on to keep them smooth. I think I'd be a bit afraid to make a tongue like he does but I want to try it. I'm very happy I bought those thumb protectors.

The biggest challenge for me is staying focused..... I'm going to go see if there's a book out there called something along the lines of, "Grafting For The Easily Distracted"
Grafting for those that get side tract. I need a book like that. :)