Joe's Jersey


I'm just curious, does anyone know what happened to MrFrozenJoe? The guy that got Joe's Jersey fig, a small Mt Etna type fig out there tothe public? He was orginally from Jersey then moved out to Arizona and took his family fig (Joe's Jersey) out to Arizona with him that has apparently done very well in Arizona.

He mentioned in one of his YT video's that the old family tree (Clinton NJ??) was killed off in a bad winter, several years ago.

I was just wondering, since he just kind of disappeared.
@rayray they come in, and out of our Hobby. Some of the best members on this platform have already bowed out, and we're not a year old yet. Later they often come back, it's just the way of this Hobby. MrFrozenJoe is taking a break. Someday he may return with five more family fig Treasures to share with us, and the stories of where they came from. Also the tales of the people brought them to our Shores.
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I am sorry about your friends Health difficulties. Sometimes it might be another member, in their family, who is Health challenged. We know a member for years. Sometimes they become a true personal friend, I have several that I consider as such. Then something happens. It appears that @Figgerlickinggood / Teresa knows your friend as well, and misses them.
I'm just curious, does anyone know what happened to MrFrozenJoe? The guy that got Joe's Jersey fig, a small Mt Etna type fig out there tothe public? He was orginally from Jersey then moved out to Arizona and took his family fig (Joe's Jersey) out to Arizona with him that has apparently done very well in Arizona.

He mentioned in one of his YT video's that the old family tree (Clinton NJ??) was killed off in a bad winter, several years ago.

I was just wondering, since he just kind of disappeared.
I just remembered something, if I’m not mistaken I think Big Bill from Off The Beaten Path Nursery had his Joe’s Jersey fig. You could email him at and ask him if he still has it.
I do have it, let me know if you would like some. I can send a few to you. I watched his videos way back when he first moved out west. It performs very well in the ground (unprotected zone 6b/7a). It is probably top five Mt Etna trees at the orchard in terms of output. I thought his videos were very informative.
That will be great Bill, I'll send you an email through your site.