A little help from nature

We have a lot of beavers up here. They eat the soft bark but they are quite selective. I think they take the desired size for their dams and logdes. 10" is big though. Do they move them after bringing them down?
Nope. Some they give up on after a bit of chewing and others just fall to the ground and rot away.
I was thinking the same, either chicken wire or hardware cloth.
Honestly I didn't think with the 1000's of trees surrounding the pond, that it would come up by the house and get my fruit trees.
Pretty far from the water to drag them off.

If you had to choose.... which trees would you eat? 😬

I think either chicken wire or hardware cloth would work. I can't imagine chewing on wire is pleasant. It'll probably be easier than building fences too. Either way, now that you know it shouldn't be really difficult to control as beavers don't climb or jump. I would only suggest not making the same mistake I did with some birches. I wrapped the chicken wire right against the trunk and it grew right into the wire. It's stuck there now. Stake around the tree and apply mesh to the stakes.
If you had to choose.... which trees would you eat? 😬

I think either chicken wire or hardware cloth would work. I can't imagine chewing on wire is pleasant. It'll probably be easier than building fences too. Either way, now that you know it shouldn't be really difficult to control as beavers don't climb or jump. I would only suggest not making the same mistake I did with some birches. I wrapped the chicken wire right against the trunk and it grew right into the wire. It's stuck there now. Stake around the tree and apply mesh to the stakes.
Yep. Lol

Sounds like that is my only option, other than making a fir trade. 😂
Up at my father in law's place the beavers were taking out loads of birch's along the shoreline. We wrapped 2-3 layers of chicken wire around the base of the trees maybe hip high. It did the trick.

I like to get in the canoe and race them across the lake. Sometimes I win :)
Two years ago, I was visiting my wife's family in the southern Bavarian region of Germany. The government thought it was a good idea to re-introduce beavers, and released several of them in various places. Now, they realize what a huge mistake they made, and every single tree that they don't want the beavers to chew down has been wrapped with several layers of chain link fencing, just like you did with the chicken wire.
Two years ago, I was visiting my wife's family in the southern Bavarian region of Germany. The government thought it was a good idea to re-introduce beavers, and released several of them in various places. Now, they realize what a huge mistake they made, and every single tree that they don't want the beavers to chew down has been wrapped with several layers of chain link fencing, just like you did with the chicken wire.

One wonders what they were expecting the beavers to do... not chew up trees? Hmmm 🤔