Privacy policy

Core Privacy Policy

Very simple policy. does not and will not collect, store or share any information about you or your activity on this forum. We don't want it. We don't care. We keep minimal information such as your email to manage your account and contact you... anything else you share is up to you.

This forum is not affiliated with any commercial entity... Its database is not used for any commercial purpose.

I have to disclose that I do use cookies...heavily... but only the biscotti my mother bakes.... This site is "social media safe-zone"

Your Private Messages are Private

Only you have access to your private messages. No administrator or moderator of this forum is able to read any private message that you send or receive. There is no visibility as to the number of private messages you are making or who you are exchanging messages with.

General Privacy Policy

We are Fig Fanatic ("we", "our", "us"). We’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. If you have questions about your personal information please contact us at

What information we hold about you

The type of data that we collect and process includes:

  • Your name or username. (as posted)
  • Your email address.
  • Your IP address.

Further data may be stored if you choose to share it, such as if you fill out fields on your profile.

How your personal information is used

  • Your personal information is not used

Changes to this policy

We may make changes to this policy at any time. You may be asked to review and re-accept the information in this policy if it changes in the future.

No privacy policy changes will be made without notifying you in advance.


We use the newest version of Google Analytics (Google Analytics 4), which is privacy-focused (things like IP addresses are not logged or stored and no personally identifiable information is used). This allows us to better understand how users use the site so we can improve their experience. Better Analytics is an addon we use that was developed by I/O Labs, a search engine used to combat fraud.