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Sacramento River Wild figs

Hey my names Jesus aka chato9b
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and I’ve been growing figs for about 4 years now but the last 2 years I’ve been hunting down wild figs some very unique varieties I’ve found .

Here are the 2 top female wild figs I found this year 2024 , I picked almost the last of its crops today .

The first one is shape is very similar to black mission the skin color is chalky blue but the taste is superior to BM with deep berry flavors and hints of grape , it is also a deep burgundy red interior. This fig never spoils has high sugar dries great on the tree.
I’m calling it Blue Slough .

And the Next fig has been a favorite at a few fig tasting that I held in Sacramento for its beauty it has a tiedye going on from green to pink splashes on the skin . It’s not the sweetest fig has some acid in there but is well balanced also some citrus note . This fig is a very good size also . the name is Pink TieDye

Both of these seedling have been found in the Sacramento River delta , my goal is to create my own orchard from wild varieties I hunt for fun on my spare time . Follow my journey and one day I will release these cool varieties I’m finding around the Sacramento River
@Chato9b . Jesus I am so glad to see you posting here on figfanatic. First off I have tasted many of Jesus incredible wild figs. This amazing member is a fig Detective who knows what he's doing. In the places he is hunting virtually all the figs are caprified. I tasted at least 15 of his varieties. Plus another 10 varieties from another wild Sacramento fig finder.

Let's start with PinkTie dye this was certainly one of his very best figs. It was caprified, and the tastiest, and good sized fig. It was incredibly delicious had some good seed crunch with a rich Berry flavor. The skin had a very Tangy taste to it that completely complimented this sweet Berry flavor of the pulp. He also had a male Capri fig that I traded a Bella Clare sport cutting for. It was that good. It may have been the best tasting fig out of 25 selections of figs in the Sacramento River area. That fig tasted good wether caprified or uncaprified.@GoodFriendMike His male fig maybe the most important find this year.. The Taste was superb.
[+] 1 user Likes Figless's post
@Figless I just seen last night that he found some other ones. Seemed at least one of them had pollen in the mammoni crop. Which is something we don't see often in the states.
[+] 1 user Likes GoodFriendMike's post
@GoodFriendMike  @Chato9b Hes edible male Capri fig was amazingly tasty. It had yellow, and purple fruit depending on whether it was capriified. I don't think it was less desirable, or flavorful than pink tie-dye. I actually thought it was the best tasting fig out of the 25 varieties he fed us. You often hear of edible males coming in at a 7 out of 10 flavor scale guide. This was not the case here it was a 10 out of 10. Jesus has found a golden fruit. He's a fig phenom grade grower. I am so stoked the two of you have hooked up.
[+] 1 user Likes Figless's post
@Figless They do have some pretty tasty Capri out there. His description of one of his finds. Sounds really good. And I think it is a different one than the one you are mentioning. Sounds like he is finding a lot of good ones.
[+] 1 user Likes GoodFriendMike's post
Those are some tasty looking finds indeed!
The question always lingers with California finds, will they be good outside Cali?
I grew Carr, which looked good there, here it is just an okay BM type.
Will not be keeping it as there are way too many better tasting figs.
A lot of goodness has come from that state and I'm sure a lot more will!

Thanks for sharing...look forward to see more pics and eventually an orchard! Smile
[+] 6 users Like Chato9b's post

@Chato9b ... please tell me that was a male. Anyway weather caprifide or uncaprified that fig was mighty tasty. When we drove back from the Fig tasting event, both Sean, and myself thought pink tie dye was not the better tasting fig. It was like you had two number ones. I do hope it's an edible male though. Pink tie dye was the bigger fig fruit.

Let's see if I could make a wish list testing testing
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